Shetland Ewes
Breeding trinity farm EWES
Bellwether Vaesey
13 May 2016
A black krunet single ewe. Must carry moorit. Her fleece is very black with speckled krunet markings. Her fleece should be on the primitive side of intermediate in terms of length, but very soft!
Sire is Bellwether Lewis; dam is Bellwether Soay
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss MM/MM
Bellwether Hamara
15 May 2018
A black yuglet flecket smirslet (HST) single ewe. May carry moorit. A big sassy girl with a gorgeous jet black fleece! Time will tell about length, but I expect it to be on the kindly side of intermediate. She is almost the spitting image of her grandmother, Lilac!
Sire: Bellwether Holm; Dam: Bellwether Mousa
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/S
High Bid Foula
21 April 2019
A white pattern ewe. Her fleece is on the kindly side of intermediate.
Sire: Pasttime Gibbs; Dam: Pasttime Martha
Genotype: Awt/A- B-/B- S-S-
Bellwether Hveda (BEL 411K)
5 May 2022
This girl is changing fast. She is definitly flecket (spot on her side is white to the skin), but not sure if she will end up gray…or shaela…or Iset? She is also smirslet…(or Bleset?).
Sire is Bellwether Magnus; dam is Bellwether Hamara
Genotype: Ag/Aa BB/BB Ss/Ss
Bellwether Uyea (BEL 412K)
Born May 9, 2022
A light gray sponget flecket. Shown here with Urie gray yuglet flecket.
Sire is Bellwether Magnus; dam is Bellwether Urie
Genotype: Ag/Ag BB/BB Ss/Ss
Minwawe Seraphim
7 April 2007
Seraphim is a musket with flecket/yuglet markings. Her fleece is incredibly soft and is intermediate in length and crimp. She is a very friendly ewe, and a careful mother who produces abundant milk.
Genotype A/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
Twin Springs Kilda
13 April 2007
Kilda is a moorit with smirslet/bielset/socket markings. She has a very long and soft fleece of the primitive type. She is very talkative, and her personality is what might be called “spunky.”
Genotype Aa/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
Twin Springs Hirta (S28111)
11 April 2008
Hirta is a grey and white ewe with krunet and the rare caped flecket markings. She has an English-type fleece with a nice crimp. She is rather reserved, but does love her scritches!
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss
Whispering Pines Lilac
8 April 2008
Lilac is a very black ewe, with a fleece that barely sun-bleaches. She has smirslet/socket markings. The fleece is of the English type, very soft, and very crimpy. She was rather wild as a lamb, but has become a very friendly.
Genotype Aa/Aa BB/BB Ss/Ss
Whispering Pines Myrtle
13 April 2008
Myrtle is basically a light gray and white sheep with dramatic black yuglet/flecket markings. Like her mother Seraphim, she has an intermediate fleece that is incredibly soft, and like her mother, she has a sweet personality. She leaves behind my breeding ram Holm and many lambs that now grace other farms.
Genotype: Ag/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss
Twin Springs Foula
26 April 2008
Foula is a black katmoget with an English-type fleece with nice crimp. She was a full sib (although a year younger) to the Trinity Bellwether mascot, Ninian. Even as a young lamb, she was described as “ridiculously friendly.”
Genotype: Ag/Ab BB/Bb SS/Ss
Twin Springs Bernera
24 April 2008
Bernera is a moorit girl with flecket/yuglet/socket markings. She had a gorgeous very long primitive fleece - very soft. and interestingly banded. As a lamb, she was very spunky (one might say a bit of a troublemaker) but was wonderfully sweet and friendly.
Genotype; Aa/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
Bellwether Fetlar (S 30433)
1 May 2009
Fetlar is s light gray girl with yuglet/socket markings (although she was almost completely black at birth!). She is the daughter of Forvik and Seraphim, and she has inherited theprimitive fleece type from her sire and the incredible softness from her dam. Personality-wise, she is friendly-times-two!
Sire is Twin Springs Forvik; dam is Minwawe Seraphim
Genotype: Ag/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss
Bellwether Mousa (S32369)
2 May 2010
Mousa is a black blettet ewe. Her color is holding as a true black! Her lamb fleece was absolutely gorgeous. She was wild as the wind, but is now quite friendly.
Sire is Twin Springs Forvik; dam is Whispering Pines Lilac
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
Bellwether Soay
4 May 2010
Soay is a moorit/white ewe. HST: yuglet, sokket. Her rich warm brown color is showing no signs of fading. It is intermediate with a nice crimp. She vies with her sister as to who can be the more friendly. She leaves behind many lambs on other farms.
Sire is Windswept Boron; dam is Twin Springs Kilda
Genotype: Aa/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
Bellwether Boreray
4 May 2010
Soay is a moorit/white ewe. HST: krunet. bielset, sokket. Her rich warm brown color is showing no signs of fading. It is intermediate with a nice crimp. Ridiculously friendly! She leaves behind her daughter Rysa at Trinity Farm
Sire is Windswept Boron; dam is Twin Springs Kilda
Genotype: Aa/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
Bellwether Tronda
17 April, 2012
Tronda is a black yuglet flecket twin ewe, a really lively little girl who was very small at birth, but has caught up wonderfully. Her fleece is on the primitive side of intermediate (AFD = 26.9), very white and very black. And she must carry moorit.
Sire is Windswept Boron; dam is Whispering Pines Lilac
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss
Bellwether Urie
28 April 2015
A striking gray yuglet flecket twin ewe. Her fleece is a gray and stark white, and incredibly soft. Must carry moorit.
Sire is Bellwether Oiseval; dam is Bellwether Fetlar.
Genotype: Ag/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss