Icelandic Ewes
Breeding TRINITY FARM Ewes
27 April 2014
Classic black with white leader markings; perfect leader build and showing definite signs of leader behavior. Sister of Háalda (below). Very sweet. May carry moorit. Her AI leader sire is Loftur; leader dam is BEL 214X (Laki).
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 1/2 Loftur, 1/4 Geri, 1/16 Tigull, and 1/32 each Biskup, and Ari, and some Blessa (87+% leader; 6 leader lines)
AI genetics: 1/2 Loftur, 1/4 Geri, 1/16 Tigull, and 1/32 each Biskup, and Ari, and some Moli; also some Blessa (87+% AI).
21 April 2015
A black-SGGM ewe. She has a gorgeous pewter-gray thel. She carries moorit and must carry spotting. Her sire is KTB 606B (Pi); dam is RBR 239 A (Ulfa).
Phenotype: B6H
Genotype: Agt/Aa BB/BB SS/Ss
AI genetics: 1/4 Blettur, and 1/8+ Dropi, 1/16+ Grimur, 1/16 Skumur; with some Udi, Heli, Hunn, Bambi, Blaevar, Laekur, Fengur, Rektor, Flotti, Morro, Molur, Austri, Dalur, Vestri, Horvi, Pruni, Peili, Askur and Ljori (~70% AI)
Leader genetics: 1/16 Skumur (6%)
28 April 2015
Spotted moorit badger ewe. Shows strong leader behavior and is a great milk producer.
AI leader sire is Florgodi; leader dam is BEL 214X (Laki, my F1 Geri daughter).
Phenotype: M3SH
Genotype: Ab/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 1/2 Florgodi, 1/4 Geri, 1/16 Tigull 1/32 each Biskup and Ari, and also some Blessa (~88% leader; 6 leader lines)
AI genetics: 1/2 Florgodi, 1/4 Geri, 1/16 Tigull, 1/32 each Biskup and Ari, with some Moli (~88% AI)
27 April 2017
A polled moorit badger ewe. May carry spotting. A pattern/color combination I've been trying to get for years - and here it is in a nice, sweet package! Well-proportioned and exquisite fleece, as expected from her great parentage.
Sire is BEL 624B (Skaley, my F1 Höttur son); dam is BEL 727C (Kinna, my F1 Skrauti daughter)
Phenotype: M3P
Genotype: Ab/Aa Bb/Bb SS/S-
AI genetics: 1/4 Höttur, 1/4 Skrauti, 1/32 Dalur, with some Jokull (~58% AI)
24 May 2017
A horned moorit-gray ewe. This is one cute and spunky girl, with a nice meaty build and beautiful crimpy fleece. And her mother has one of the largest udders of the entire ewe flock!
Sire is BEL 715C (Gigar, my F1 Florgodi son); dam is DL 144A (Blanda)
Phenotype: M2H
Genotype: Ag/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 1/4 Florgodi, 1/8 Geri, 1/32 Tigull; and 1/64 each Biskup, and Ari; also some Blessa (45% leader; 6 leader lines)
AI genetics: 1/4 Florgodi, 1/8 Geri, 3/32 Flotti, 1/32 Tigull and Aboti; and 1/64 each Biskup, and Ari, and some Moli (57% AI)
24 April 2018
Spotted black Leader ewe.
Sire is BEL 715C (Skaftá, my Florgodi son); dam is SSW 319D (Fluga)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/4 Florgodi, 5/32 Geri, 1/16 Leifur, 3/64 Biskup, 3/64 Ari, 1/32+ Bambi, 1/32 Hnykill, 1/32 Tigull, 1/32 Blesi, 1/64 Prestur with some Moli and Morro (~70% AI)
Leader genetics: 1/4 Florgodi, 5/32 Geri, 1/16 Leifur, 3/64 Biskup, 3/64 Ari, 1/32 Tigull, 1/32 Blesi, 1/64 Prestur and some Blessa (~64% Leadersheep genetics; 8 Leader lines)
26 April 2018
A polled white ewe, growing very well! She may carry mouflon and must carry spotting.
AI sire is Hnaller; dam is BEL 501A (Hvera, my F1 Aladin daughter )
Phenotype: O1P
Genotype: Awt/A- BB/B- Ss/S-
AI genetics: 1/2 Hnaller, 1/4 Aladin, with some Hnykill, Serker, Dalur, and Jokull (~81% AI)Ph
27 April 2018
Spotted moorit Leader ewe.
Sire is BEL 715C (Gigar, Florgodi son); dam is SSW 345D (Ludia)
Phenotype: M5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/4 Florgodi, 5/32 Geri, 1/16 Leifur, 3/64 Biskup, 3/64 Ari, 1/32+ Bambi, 1/32 Hnykill, 1/32 Tigull, 1/32 Blesi, 1/64 Prestur with some Moli and Morro (~70% AI)
Leader genetics: 1/4 Florgodi, 5/32 Geri, 1/16 Leifur, 3/64 Biskup, 3/64 Ari, 1/32 Tigull, 1/32 Blesi, 1/64 Prestur and some Blessa (~64% Leadersheep genetics; 8 Leader lines)
4 May 2018
A horned spotted black twin ewe lamb, sister of Levi (below). May carry moorit.
AI sire is Ungi; dam is DL 214X (Laki, my F1 Geri daughter)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 1/2 Ungi, 1/4 Geri, 1/16 Tigull, and 1/32 each Biskup, and Ari; also some Blessa (~88% leader; 6 leader lines)
AI genetics: 1/2 Ungi, 1/4 Geri, 1/16 Tigull, and 1/32 each Biskup, and Ari, and some Moli (~88% AI).
4 May 2018
A white horned ewe with a meaty build and an amazing thick, fine fleece. Must carry solid; may carry moorit and/or spotting.
AI sire is Burkni; dam is BEL 803D (Felsa, my F1 Drifandi daughter)
Phenotype: O1H
Genotype: Awt/Aa BB/B- S-/S-
AI genetics: 1/2 Burkni,1/4 Drifandi and 1/32 each Kani, Flotti, and Aboti (~84% AI)
22 May 2018
A horned black-gray ewe lamb who must carry moorit and may carry spotting. She was late-born, but has matured to a really solid meaty girl with a gorgeous fleece. A really spirited girl – initiating the lamb races with the older lambs!
BEL 624B (Vindur, my F1 Grámann son); dam is BEL 718C (Helga, my F1 Gandur daughter)
Phenotype: B2H
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- SS/Ss
AI genetics: 1/4 Gramann, 1/4 Gandur, 1/8 each Kani and Flotti (75% AI)
12 May 2019
A classic leader patterning in black: white blaze and socks, and a striking throat ruff. May also carry moorit.
AI sire is Ungi; dam is BEL 907E (Kerling, my F1 Florgodi daughter)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 1/2 Ungi, 1/4 Florgodi, 1/8 Geri, 1/32 Tigull, and 1/64 each Biskup, and Ari,; also some Blessa (~94% Leader).
AI genetics: 1/2 Ungi, 1/4 Florgodi, 1/8 Geri, 1/32 Tigull, and 1/64 each Biskup, and Ari, and some Moli (~94% AI).
14 May 2019
A moorit mouflon spotted horned ewe lamb twin.
Sire is BEL 816D (Lugja, my F1 Golsi son; dam is SSW 345D (Ludia)
Phenotype: M4SH
Genotype: At/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 1/4 Golsi, 1/8 Karl Philip, ~1/16 Geri and Leifur, ~1/32 each Ari, Blesi, Biskup, Prestur, and Tigull with and Yeoman Blessa (~73%).
AI genetics: 1/4 Golsi, 1/8 Karl Philip, ~1/16 Geri and Leifur, ~1/32 each Ari, Blesi, Biskup, Leifur, Prestur, Tigull, Hynkill, and Bambi, with some Moli ,and Morro (~79% AI).
17 May 2019
A horned spotted leader ewe lamb. May carry moorit.
Sire is BEL 726C (Alftan, my F1 Karl Philip son); dam is SSW 319D (Surtla)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 1/4 Karl Philip 1/8 Blesi, 1/8 Joakim, 3/32 Tigull, 1/16 Prestur, 3/64 each Biskup and Ari, and also some Yeoman Blessa (~77% leader; 8 leader lines)
AI genetics: 1/4 Karl Philip, 1/8 Blesi, 1/8 Joakim, 3/32 Tigull, 1/16 Prestur, 3/64 each Biskup and Ari, with some Moli (~77% AI)
8 May 2020
A black spotted horned ewe lamb with classical leader markings. May carry moorit.
AI sire is Nikulas; dam is SSW 338D (Fluga)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/8 Joakim, 1/16 Leifur, 1/32 Tigull, with Biskup, Ari and some Moli (~79% AI; 80% leader genetics)
18 May 2020
A moorit badger horned ewe lamb. A spirited and inquisitive girl.
AI sire is Strumpur; dam is BEL 716C (Theista)
Phenotype: M3SH
Genotype: Ab/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Strumpur, 1/4 Florgodi, 1/8 Geri, 1/32 Tigull, with Biskup and Ari, and some Moli (94% AI and 94% leader)
18 April 2022
A black-gray spotted horned Leadersheep ewe. A big friendly girl. Delighted to be getting the gray pattern in higher percentage Leaders.
AI sire is Nikulas; dam is SSW 341D (Branfina)
Phenotype: B2SH
Genotype: Ag/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/8 Joakim, 1/16 Leifur, 1/32 Tigull and Biskup; with Bambi, Hynkill, with some Morro, Ari, and Moli (~83% AI genetics).
Leadersheep genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/8 Joakim, 1/16 Leifur, 1/32 Tigull and Biskup; with some Ari and Yeoman Blessa (~78% Leadersheep genetics).
26 April 2022
A moorit badger horned Leadersheep who must carry spotting.
AI sire is Torfi; dam is BEL 134G (Presta)
Phenotype: B3H
Genotype: Ab/Aa Bb/Bb SS/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Torfi, 1/8 Karl Philip, 1/16 Blesi, and Joakim, ~1/32 Tigulli and Prestur; with Ari, Biskup, and some Moli (88% AI genetics).
Leadersheep genetics: 1/2 Torfi, 1/8 Karl Philip, 1/16 Blesi, and Joakim, ~1/32 Tigulli and Prestur; with Ari, Biskup, and some Yeoman Blessa (~88% Leadersheep genetics).
3 May 2022
A black Leadersheep with classic markings of white blaze and socks. She may carry moorit.
AI sire is Nikulas; dam is BEL 024F (Kirkju)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/- Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/4 Ungi, 1/8 Geri, 1/32 Tigull; with Biskup, Ari, and some Moli (~94% AI genetics).
Leadersheep genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/4 Ungi, 1/8 Geri, 1/32 Tigull; with Biskup, Ari, and some Yeoman Blessa (~94% Leadersheep genetics).
15 May 2022
A moorit spotted horned Leadersheep ewe with striking yuglet facial markings. A bit small at birth, but growing well now.
AI sire is Kjartan; dam is BEL 218H (Stora)
Phenotype: M5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Kjartan, 1/4 Strumpur, 1/8 Florgodi, 1/16 Geri; with Tigull, Biskup, Ari, and some Moli (~97% AI genetics).
Leadersheep genetics: 1/2 Kjartan, 1/4 Strumpur, 1/8 Florgodi, 1/16 Geri; with Tigull, Biskup, Ari, and some Yeoman Blessa. (~ 97% Leadersheep genetics).
19 May 2022
A moorit Leadersheep with classic markings of white blaze and socks. A very curious little girl!
Sire is Strumpur (AI); dam is BEL 817D (Katla)
Phenotype: M5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Strumpur, 3/8 Geri, 1/8 Loftur; with Tigull, Biskup, Ari, and some Moli. (~97% AI genetics).
Leadersheep genetics: 1/2 Strumpur, 3/8 Geri, 1/8 Loftur; with Tigull, Biskup, Ari, and some Yeoman Blessa. (~97% Leadersheep genetics).
24 May 2022
A black spotted horned ewe with classic Leadersheep markings of white blaze and socks. She may carry moorit from her mother.
Sire is Ungi (AI); dam is BEL 503A (Hekla)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Ungi, 1/4 Karl Philip, 1/8 Geri, 1/32 Tigull; with Biskup, Ari, and some Moli. (~94% AI genetics).
Leadersheep genetics: 1/2 Ungi, 1/4 Karl Philip, 1/8 Geri, 1/32 Tigull; with Biskup, Ari, and some Yeoman Blessa. (~ 94% Leadersheep genetics).
23 April 2023
Spotted black badger Leader ewe, possibly carrying moorit.
Sire is BEL 206H (Askja); dam is BEL 204H (Jora)
Phenotype: B3SH
Genotype: Ab/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/8 Florgodi, 1/16 Joakim and Geri, 1/32 Leifur, 1/32 Tigull, with Biskup, Ari and some Moli (~87% AI)
Leadersheep Genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/8 Florgodi, 1/16 Joakim and Geri, 1/32 Leifur, 1/32 Tigull, with Biskup, Ari and some Yeoman Blessa (87% Leader genetics)
29 April, 2023
A black spotted Leaderewe lamb with the classic markings of white socks facial blaze. She may carry moorit.
AI sire is Nikulas; dam is BEL 130G (Vestra)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/4 Ungi, 1/8 Florgodi, 1/16 Geri; with Tigull, Biskup, Ari, and some Moli (~97% AI).
Leadersheep Genetics: 1/2 Nikulas, 1/4 Ungi, 1/8 Florgodi, 1/16 Geri; with Tigull, Biskup, Ari, and some Yeoman Blessa (~97% Leadersheep genetics).
19 April 2024
A white patterned horned ewe who must carry moorit (perhaps homozygous), solid, and perhaps spotting.
Sire is Kurdo (AI); dam is BEL 026F (Fláa)
Phenotype: O1H
Genotype: Awt/Aa B-/Bb SS/S-
AI genetics: 1/2 Kurdo, 1/4 Burkni,1/8 Drifandi, with some Kani, Flotti, and Aboti (~92% AI)
20 April, 2024
A horned black SGGM ewe lamb who must carry moorit, and possibly carries spotting.
Sire is Frakki (AI); dam is CSIC 7A (Surtsey)
Phenotype: B6H
Genotype: Ag-t/Aa BB/Bb SS/S-
AI genetics: 1/2 Frakki, 1/8 Blettur, and 1/16+ Dropi, 1/32+ Grimur, 1/32 Skumur; with some Udi, Heli, Hunn, Bambi, Blaevar, Laekur, Fengur, Rektor, Flotti, Morro, Molur, Austri, Dalur, Vestri, Horvi, Pruni, Peili, Askur and Ljori (~85% AI)
Leadersheep genetics: 1/2 Frakki, 1/32 Skumur (~53% Leadersheep genetics)
20 April 2024
A moorit mouflon ewe lamb who must carry spotting.
Sire is Kurdo (AI); dam is BEL 001F (Skjalda)
Phenotype: M4H
Genotype: At/Aa Bb/Bb SS/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Kurdo. 1/4 Jonas and 1/32 Flotti, with some Haenger, Bambi, Kani and Aboti (~83% AI)
25 April 2024
A homozygous gray polled ewe lamb, possibly carrying moorit and spotting.
Sire is Brusi (AI); dam is BEL803D (Sota)
Phenotype: B22P
Genotype: Ag/Aa BB/B- SS/S-
AI genetics: 1/2 Brusi, 1/4 Grafeldur, 1/32 Dalur, with some Jokull (80% AI)
7 May 2024
A moorit gray spotted ewe lamb.
Sire is Frakki (AI); dam is BEL 413K (Myra)
Phenotype: M2SH
Genotype: Ag/Aa Bb/Bb Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Frakki, 1/4 Kjartan, 1/8 Strumpur, 1/16 Florgodi, 1/32 Geri; with Tigull, Biskup, Ari, and some (98.5% AI).
Leadersheep genetics: 1/2 Frakki, 1/4 Kjartan, 1/8 Strumpur, 1/16 Florgodi, 1/32 Geri; with Tigull, Biskup, Ari, and some Yeoman Blessa. (98.5% Leadersheep genetics).
Below are the Trinity Farm foundation ewes, and ewes that have over the years made a significant contribution to the Trinity Farm flock.
21 April 2006
Krafla is a polled black-gray mouflon with a fleece that just won’t quit: long, soft tog and tons of light gray thel. Her lambs are always spectacular! She’s shy but very sweet. Her daughter Nama remains at Trinity Farm.
Phenotype: B24P
Genotype: Ag/At BB/B- SS/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/8 Hnykill, 1/8 Serker, 1/8 Flotti, 1/16 Skreppur (43.8% AI)
20 April 2007
Grimsey is a black-gray polled girl with a gorgeous fleece. As evidenced by her lambs, she also carries spotting. She’s a bit aloof, and a very careful mom. She produces lots of milk, but would rather keep it for her babies since she let me know that she wasn’t thrilled about the milking stand. A number of her AI sons and daughters remain at Trinity Farm.
Phenotype: B2P
Genotype: Ag/Aa BB/Bb SS/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/8 Dalur(12.5% AI)
25 April 2008
Ultra is a black horned ewe who came from a career in show business. She has her own YouTube video. She’s smart and curious – not surprising considering she has some leader blood in her veins.
Phenotype: B5H
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/Bb SS/Ss
Leadersheep Genetics: 1/8 Leifur, 1/32 Ari, also Blessa (16.4% leader; 3 leader lines)
AI Genetics: 1/8 Flotti, 1/8 Bambi, 1/8 Leifur 1/16 Morro, 1/16 Serkur, 1/16 Peli, 1/32 Ari (59.4% AI)
1 May 2008
Jökull is a white horned girl who is very curious and friendly. Her fleece is gorgeous: silky and long. She was a bit reserved at first, but became quite assertive, but friendly. She was a phenomenal milk producer, and loved jumping on the stand at milking time. She has had spectacular white ewe and ram lambs, including the only Ylur lambs in North America. A daughter and son remain at Trinity Farm.
Phenotype: O1H
Genotype: Awt/A- BB/B- S-/S-
AI Genetics: 1/8 Aboti (12.5% AI)
13 May 2008
Katla is a leader-ewe and takes her responsibilities very seriously. Her fleece is very black, with only a little graying and with thick thel and soft tog. She’s had some terrific AI leader lambs. She’s always alert and watching…to see if there are visitors, to see what the neighbors might be doing, to see if there is any danger in the new pasture. Of the seven lambs that Katla raised, only one (Laki) was a ewe. Laki remains at Trinity Farm, a matriarch of the leader flock; many of her brothers reside in flocks across the country.
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/BB Ss/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/4 Tigull, 1/8 Biskup, 1/8 Ari, 1/32 Moli(53.1% AI)
Leadersheep Genetics: 1/4 Tigull, 1/8 Biskup, 1/8 Ari, 1/32 Blessa(51.7% Leader)
23 April 2009
Thoris is a horned moorit ewe, with a dense, soft fleece. Her thel is a warm brown, and the tog is honey brown. She is still a bit reserved, but is very curious. Many of the lambs Thoris raised are enjoying life at other farms; Dalur remains at Trinity Farm as a flock sire.
Phenotype: M5H
Genotype: Aa/Aa Bb/Bb SS/S-
AI Genetics: 1/8 Flotti, 1/16 Kani, 1/16 Moli, 1/16 Plaivar (31.3% AI)
24 April 2009
Torfa is a horned moorit gray ewe. Her lamb fleece was incredibly soft with huge amounts of thel. Her adult fleece is beautiful beyond words. Her daughter, Tinda remains at Trinity Farm.
Phenotype: M2H
Genotype: Ag/Aa Bb/Bb SS/S-
AI Genetics: 1/8 Kani, 1/8 Aboti (25% AI)
30 April 2009
Fjalla is a little ewe with classic black badger markings. She carries solid and moorit too! Her fleece is lovely, with lots of thel and very soft tog, and her lambs have equally wonderful fleece! She has left behind a beautiful family of sons and daughters.
Phenotype: B3H
Genotype: Ab/Aa BB/Bb SS/S-
AI Genetics: 1/4 Flotti, 1/4 Kani (50% AI)
6 May 2009
Vatna is a horned black-gray ewe with an amazingly silky fleece – loads of thel and very soft tog. Her ram lamb last year was moorit, so we know she carries solid and moorit. She is friendly and gentle. She leaves behind several ewes, Halsa, Felsa, and Hamra at Trinity Farm.
Phenotype: B2H
Genotype: Ag/Aa BB/Bb SS/S-
AI Genetics: 1/8 Flotti, 1/8 Kani, 1/8 Aboti (37.5% AI)
25 April 2010
Eyja is a black-gray polled badger with clear markings. She has an almost identical twin, who could be distinguished by a small black spot on each side. Eyja’s fleece is a beautiful oatmeal, very long and soft. Eyja lived a very long and productive and happy life on the farm and leaves behind many outstanding lambs!
Phenotype: B23P
Genotype: Ag/Ab BB/B- SS/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/8 Dalur, 1/16 Jokull (18.8% AI)
14 May 2010
Laki is a leader ewe with classic black with white leader markings; perfect leader build and showing definite leader behavior. Her mother is leader Katla, and leader AI sire is Geri. So Laki carries moorit.
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/2 Geri, 1/8 Tigull, 1/16 Biskup, 1/16 Ari, 1/64 Moli (76.6% AI)
Leadersheep Genetics: 1/2 Geri, 1/8 Tigull, 1/16 Biskup, 1/16 Ari, 1/64 Blessa (75.8% leader; 5 leader lines)
29 April 2011
A polled gray mouflon single ewe. A beautiful fast-growing girl with a long silky prizewinning fleece. She is absolutely amazing! Must carry spotting; may carry moorit. Sire is DL 320S (Brandur, a.k.a. Rascal); dam is BLW 941S (Krafla).
Phenotype: B24P
Genotype: Ag/At BB/B- SS/Ss
AI Genetics: 1/32 Hnykill, 1/32 Serker, 1/32 Dalur, 1/32 Jokull (12.5% AI)
7 April, 2013
A spotted black mouflon ewe twin with a long soft fleece, and so cute and personable! In a rough year for parasites, she never needed worming. Sire is Aladin (AI); dam is BEL 311Y (Nama)
Phenotype: B4SP
Genotype: At/Aa BB/BB Ss/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Aladin, with some Hnykill, Serker, Dalur, and Jokull (56% AI).
17 April 2013
A single leader ewe with the classic pattern. She was a fast-growing girl who showed excellent leader abilities as a young lamb. She is smart and obedient, and begs for attention. Sire is Karl Philip (AI); leader dam is BEL 214X (Laki).
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 1/2 Karl Philip, 1/4 Geri, 1/16 Tigull, 1/32 Biskup, 1/32 Ari, and some Yeoman Blessa (87.5+% leader; 6 leader lines)
AI genetics: 1/2 Karl Philip, ¼ Geri, 1/16 Tigull, 1/32 Biskup, 1/32 Ari, and some Moli (87.5+% AI)
28 April 2015
A black badgerface horned ewe. A real cutie! Love the badgers! Carries spotting. Two of her ewe lambs are part of the Trinity Farm flock
AI sire is Gandur; dam is DL 704W (Fjalla).
Phenotype: B3H
Genotype: Ab/Aa BB/BB SS/Ss
AI genetics: 1/2 Gandur, and 1/8 each Kani and Flotti (75% AI)
28 April 2016
A black spotted horned ewe with classic leader markings of white blaze and socks. A product of line-breeding of the leader grandsire, and the result is a real cutie! Must carry moorit.
AI leader sire is Geri; leader dam is BEL 622B (Blahn, my F1 Loftur daughter and Geri grand-daughter)
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/Bb Ss/Ss
Leader genetics: 5/8 Geri, 1/4 Loftur, 1/32 Tigull, and 1/64 each Biskup, and Ari, and some Blessa (~94% Leader; 6 leader lines)
AI genetics: 5/8 Geri, 1/4 Loftur, 1/32 Tigull, and 1/64 each Biskup, and Ari, and some Moli (~94% AI)
Fluga (SSW 338D)
7 May 2016
A black spotted horned Leaderewe. Very sweet! She leaves behind beautiful offspring at Trinity Farm and elsewhere as she has headed to a wonderful retirement home.
Leader sire is BEL 514A (Loki); dam is SSW 143X
Phenotype: B5SH
Genotype: Aa/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
Leadersheep genetics: 1/4 Joakim, 1/8 Leifur, 1/16 Tigull, with Biskup, and Ari(59% Leader; 5 Leader lines)
AI genetics: 1/4 Joakim, 1/8 Leifur, 1/16 Tigull, with Biskup, Ari and some Moli (~60% AI genetics)
10 May 2016
The classic leader pattern of white blaze and socks - in moorit mouflon. She left this world far too soon, but left behind at Trinity Farm a beautiful moorit mouflon ewe and a moorit badger ram.
Phenotype: M4SH
Genotype: At/Aa BB/B- Ss/Ss
Leadersheep genetics: Leifur, Geri, Biskup, Ari, Blesi, Prestur (~53% leader; 6 leader lines)
AI genetics: Leifur, Geri, Hynkill, Bambi, Biskup, Ari, Morro (66% AI)