Here's just a small sampling of the natural products that we produce from our flock. Feel free to check out our Storefront for available goods!
Here is a small sample of our fleeces taken in the Fall of 2010 after shearing was completed. One of our goals is to maintain a diverse selection of fleece colors and textures through breeding.
Hand-spun wool
We spin and dye (using only natural dyes) our own wool the old fashioned way!
Sheep milk Soaps
We produce a variety of shapes, sizes and molds of sheep-milk soaps made from milk from our flock. Felted, un-felted, scented and un-scented - you name it!
Hand knit wool
Scarfs, hats, sweaters and more. We take the time to wash, card, spin and knit our own wool to produce high quality wool clothing to keep you warm.